This evening I published a new page here on my website entitled "IPOs" to showcase my new and first video entitled: "IPOs, Want Profits?" This video briefly answers these two questions: 1. Want to learn which IPOs are in current filings for imminent release to the markets? 2. Want to learn what new IPOs have been released in October 2013 and see how they are doing? Since this is my first video on IPOs, I have no idea as to the level of interest among my subscribers and viewers. Therefore I am asking these investors to tell me if they are interested in having me produce and publish a new video showing them how it is possible to generate profits from IPOs. If interested, viewers and subscribers are asked to complete the fill-in form on this page: http://investorshelp.net/ipos----joe-gruender.html. It will be interesting to me to see how much interest there is in this subject? Their responses will determine what I do next.