<![CDATA[www.InvestorsHELP.net - Blog -- InvestorsHELP.net]]>Sun, 30 Jun 2024 14:04:48 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Novice Option Trader -- Simple Questions to Ask Yourself]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 12:04:08 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/novice-option-trader-simple-questions-to-ask-yourself]]><![CDATA[InvestorsHELP.net Report Card For Week Ending 6/15/2018 -- How Did We Do?]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:45:59 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/investorshelpnet-report-card-for-week-ending-6152018-how-did-we-doHi fellow traders and investors,

Last week was a difficult week from a trading perspective because of news driven events (like tariffs). However, we hung in the markets and completed 11 trades, 9 of which were profitable. Our net profits for the week greatly exceeded our 2 small losses. We continue to have a cumulative profit of 86% for 2018 on actual trades taken in our trading and investing accounts.

These trades are NOT hypothetical trades, but REAL trades where our money is at risk each minute of the trading day. Check back soon for some additional trading ideas.

Good luck, Trader_Joe 
<![CDATA[BA (The Boeing Company) -- Grounded or Ready To Fly?]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:03:14 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/ba-the-boeing-company-grounded-or-ready-to-flyOn Friday, I was asked by a fellow trader for my thoughts regarding BA from a technical analysis perspective.  So, I prepared a short video this past weekend sharing my thoughts.  Keep in mind that any unexpected news announcements or market conditions can quickly change what actually happens to the price of this stock.  Here's my short video for your education.  Please do your own research before taking any trade or investment in this stock.  Good luck, Trader_Joe
<![CDATA[Are you looking for a useful tool for finding Exchange Traded Funds?]]>Mon, 18 Jun 2018 10:53:09 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/are-you-looking-for-a-useful-tool-for-finding-exchange-traded-fundsIf you want less volatility than stock, no surprise earnings announcements, and perhaps less stress, you might want to check out this new tool I recently found for trading and investing.  Good luck, Trader_Joe
<![CDATA[InvestorsHELP High Probability Trade (Part 2) [COST]]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2018 21:40:45 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/investorshelp-high-probability-trade-part-2-costCAUTION:  DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BEFORE ENTERING INTO A
Wow, the market really sold off after making Part 1 of this video presentation.  This selloff also impacted the price of COST, although the price was still positive for the day at market close.  I updated the Costco chart shown below and provided additional details on the call options purchased.  Some of our more experienced option traders may want to consider entering more complex option strategies.  Since many of our subscribers are new to trading options, we selected directional calls for this option trade.  The information is provided in the chart regarding option selection.

​Good luck, Trader_Joe
[COST] Video PART 2
<![CDATA[InvestorsHELP High Probability Trade (Part 1) [COST]]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2018 19:04:55 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/investorshelp-high-probability-trade-part-1-costCAUTION: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS BEFORE ENTERING INTO A TRADE IN ADDITION TO THE INFORMATION PRESENTED BELOW AND IN VIDEO.
Hi Fellow Traders, several of our subscribers have been requesting that we share some of our trades with you so that you too can learn from our analysis and research.  So today we are sharing this high probability trade that we are taking now with an expectation that we will profit in early March.

We are going to share with you 2 videos on our trade in Costco [COST].  The first video is now available by clicking the button shown below.  A second [COST] video will be shared later today.
[COST] Video Part 1

Good Luck, Trader_Joe
​Founder, InvestorsHELP.net

<![CDATA[Average Profits of 110% on INTU]]>Fri, 23 Feb 2018 08:00:00 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/average-profits-of-110-on-intu
Hi Fellow Traders and Investors,
The more I trade options up to earnings, the more I’m loving it!  Let me tell you why.

As we discussed in other posts and videos, earnings announcements can be very unpredictable on the movement of the stock.  Just because a company beats estimated earnings, doesn’t mean the stock will go up and the same is true if a company falls short of earnings, the stock price could still move up.  The unpredictability most often leads to high volatility.  Generally, in high volatility, we want to sell options.  But in the case of calls, over earnings, I am buying.  Yes, this is conflicting to what I just explained, so why am I buying?

First, there is MAXIMUM LOSS DEFINED.  I’m buying call options because I’m beating that the stock will move up prior to earnings.  If I’m wrong, my loss is defined by the amount I paid for the call.  I will not lose more than the premium I paid.   

Secondly, there is UNLIMITED PROFIT POTENTIAL.  If I’m right and the stock makes a large move up in price, I could make
50 - 100% or even more in profit! 

Let’s look at the earnings trades I made on INTU.

After an analysis, I decided to go long (buy) calls on INTU.  On February 13, I bought the 16 March $170 Call for $2.00.  At the open on February 15, the underlying (stock) was up $5.37 from the close on February 13.  Therefore, I decided I would close my $170 strike on February 15, at $4.02, for a profit of 101%. 

All indicators lead me to believe INTU wanted to move higher, so I bought more calls.  This time I bought 16 March $180 Calls for $1.20.  My initial target is to close trades at 100% profit.  When my initial target was achieved, I closed half of my positions, just one day later on February 16 (Friday) at $2.41.  This was also an ROI of 101%.  I decided to wait to close the other half
of my position until the next week.  Monday was Presidents Day and the market was closed.  I knew I wanted to close the position today, on February 20, because earnings announcement was after market close.  I closed the remaining positions
on February 20, at $2.75 for an ROI of 129%.

Now you understand the importance of setting targets and taking profits when your targets are achieved. 

We hope that you are finding this information on our trades helpful to you.  These blog posts should especially be helpful
​to those of you who are newbies (new to trading) since there is so much to learn especially on trading options.

If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment below or e-mail at us at investorshelpnet@gmail.com.

​Happy Returns!

Trader Cindy
<![CDATA[Trading SPX Iron Condors Versus SPY Iron Condors]]>Fri, 23 Feb 2018 00:12:44 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/trading-spx-iron-condors-versus-spy-iron-condors
We hope our fellow traders and investors are having a successful week trading and investing in the financial markets.  This blog posting will be of interest to those of you who trade Iron Condors. 

Several weeks ago I found a Facebook group, new to me, which focuses on selling Iron Condors on the SPX.  This group was created by Mart Zee and can be found here: 


Here is a brief explanation written by Mart for his group:

“We primarily trade spreads such as Iron Condors, Bear Call Spreads, Bull Put Spreads, Strangles, or Straddles. Members of the group can follow the trades and copy trade them if they decide to or deem it valuable. We want to post the trades to help others trading options as well as ourselves to carefully evaluate the trade instead of impulsing trading ("When one is teaching, two are learning.").

I hope, this group will be helpful to all members.
The group is closed and as of now limited to 250 members only. New members can be added only if any of the old one leaves the group.” 

There might be an opportunity for you too to join this group, but you will need to ask Mart when you try to sign up for membership.

Mart does trades almost every day of the work week, mostly using SPX options.  Frequently he also does option trades with other indexes and stocks.  I recently asked Mart if a trader could use SPY options instead of SPX options for these Iron Condor trades, and if so, what differences should be of interest to us?  

Here’s Mart comprehensive reply:

Important Differences for Traders:  SPX vs. SPY
“► SPY pays a dividend and SPX does not. Ex-dividend day is usually the 3rd Friday of Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec, and that corresponds with expiration day. It is important to be alert when trading in-the-money calls because most such calls are exercised for the dividend on expiration Friday. If you own such options, you cannot afford to lose the dividend and must know how to decide whether or not to exercise. SPX pays no dividend.

► SPY options are American style and may be exercised at any time (after the trader buys them) before they expire. SPX options are and can be exercised only at expiration.

► Currently SPX options most often expire on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays each week. SPY weekly options only expire on Wednesdays and Fridays. So for those wanting to trade no more than 1 day before expiration, the SPX offers the most trading opportunities.

► SPY options are settled in shares. SPX options are settled in cash (the ITM value of the option is transferred from the option seller's account to that of the option owner. 

​► One SPX option (same strike price and expiry) is worth approximately 10 x the value of one SPY option. This is very important. SPX trades near $1,200 and SPY trades near $120. Thus, one at-the SPX money call option is an option to buy $120,000 worth of underlying. One SPY option gives its owner the right to buy $12,000 worth of ETF shares. If you trade a lot of options at one time, it may pay to trade 5 SPX options rather than 50 SPY options. That plan saves significant dollars in commissions, but it does mean trading European options and trading an underlying with no dividend. That will not be suitable for every trader.

► Currently the IRS treats SPX index options differently than SPY options. SPX options get special section 1256 treatment, which allows investors to have 60% of the profits made in trading treated at a long term tax rate. So for many the SPX options can offer a tax advantage.”

Thank you Mart!  We appreciate all of the information and education that you have been providing to members of your Facebook group, including myself.

We hope you all have continued success!

Founder, InvestorsHELP.net

<![CDATA[Is A Market Correction Or Crash Coming Soon?  What Should We Look For?]]>Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:57:24 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/is-a-market-correction-or-crash-coming-soon-what-should-we-look-for
Hey Traders and Investors!

This past week I attended an online webinar that provided some interesting and valuable insight into our current market and how does it compare to previous market corrections and crashes.  This video reviews several market and economic conditions that helps us determine if we should be worried about a pending crash or correction.  So, I encourage you to take a look and learn for yourself; it's FREE for you!

The first 29 slides and associated video will be helpful to you, even if you are not a SectorSurfer user.  Scott Juds, the founder and creator of the powerful SectorSurfer software, goes into greater details regarding StormGuard starting at slide #30 for SectorSurfer users.

Here are some convenient links for your use:

​1.  Harsh Market Correction Video

2.  Perspective: Market Drops, and Safety King Takes on Stocks

3.  Joe Gruender's FREE Access to Stocks and Commodities Magazine Article

4.  Tom Sosnoff (TastyTrade) Comes To Silicon Valley

5.  Sign Up For FREE Access To SectorSurfer's "Sandbox" For Testing Your Strategies

​Hope you have a very profitable week.  The market results have been excellent so far this year for those of us at InvestorsHELP.net because of high market volatility.  Remember, when IV is high, like now, think about SELLING put and call options to rake in the money!

​Founder, InvestorsHELP.net

Perspective:  Market Drops, and Safety King Takes on Stocks

<![CDATA[Tom Sosnoff From TastyTrade Is Coming To Silicon Valley!]]>Sun, 18 Feb 2018 06:17:41 GMThttp://investorshelp.net/blog----investorshelpnet/tom-sosnoff-from-tastytrade-is-coming-to-silicon-valleyHi Fellow Traders and Investors,

Several of our subscribers have asked for details regarding Tom Sosnoff's visit here to Silicon Valley.  This is a special presentation sponsored by the Silicon Valley Options Group.  Please note that the links in the below images are NOT active since you need to be a member of this group to have access to the SVOG website. You need NOT be a member to attend this most informative presentation.  Hope to see you there!  

Trader_Joe, Founder, InvestorsHELP.net