Scott Juds, Chief SectorSurfer,,
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"How to Solve the Retirement Crisis" By Erin Condit:
(Seattle, WA) — Twenty-five years ago, Scott Juds discovered that, after annually putting $2000 into his IRA over seven years, he had less money that he would have had had he simply stuffed his mattress full of bills. Fund and advisor fees, cost of living/inflation adjustments and poor performance had conspired against him during a time when the S&P 500 more than doubled. That was Scott's wakeup call, the day he began his quest to create a better investment management system than the dogma promoted by the financial industry — the “diversify and rebalance” mantra of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).
Armed with a MSEE from Stanford University, Scott, the named inventor on more than 40 US and foreign patents, had already made a career of zeroing in on the fundamental signals within a mass of “noisy” data and, in fact, wrote a book on this important subject. Through a great deal of trial and error over the years that followed, Scott created True Sector Rotation Theory, then automated it with an online software application called SectorSurfer at to enable anyone to access his egalitarian program. SectorSurfer offers free investment strategies of lesser performance (<15%/year) for those who can't afford to pay, and premium performance investment strategies (>15%/year) at $10/mo. In this way, Scott and his partners hope to "change the game" for individual investors by leveling the algorithmic playing field with Wall Street and giving the middle class a fighting chance for 401k/IRA/portfolio success.
Early development: Scott began his quest after noting that Edwin Hurst, the engineer who built the Aswan Dam high and wide enough to handle the most flood prone river in the world, had detected trends embedded in the 2000 years of Nile River flow data using mathematics he had developed - the "Hurst Range Scale analysis." What Scott found was that trending characteristics in market data were also easily confirmed by employing Hurst's formula. Additionally, Scott observed that through his professional skills in the sciences of differential signal processing and matched filter theory, he could optimally extract trend signals from complex market data, a fact that flies in the face of Modern Portfolio Theory. In the process, he discovered that the “true” trend signal was the key to improving the probability of owning the right stock or fund in the near future, i.e., 30 days to three months. The development of True Sector Rotation Theory resulted and is at the core of SectorSurfer's automated algorithms.
The birth of a company: The events of 2008 and the accompanying recession convinced Scott that he needed to make SectorSurfer available to all. SumGrowth Strategies LLC was formed in February 2009 to develop an online application platform, which went live in 2010. While the theory and science behind this technology is complex, much like the motor of a new car, SectorSurfer is quite easy to drive once you've signed up and imported an existing strategy, or created a new strategy. SectorSurfer sends subscribers an automated email or cell phone text trade alert when there is a trade to make, typically four to five times a year per strategy. And, when markets aren't safe, its StormGuard feature will alert subscribers (both free and paid) to GO TO CASH. What that means is that you’ll never ride to the bottom of a market crash again. Simply put, SectorSurfer’s "True Sector Rotation" algorithms keep you in the best trending funds or ETFs during bull markets, and move you to the safety of CASH during bear markets. There is nothing that even remotely approaches it for individual investors and advisors.
The dinosaur in the room: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), the theory that has guided SEC policy and portfolio management for more than 60 years, was created by Harry Markowitz, at a time before high frequency, algorithm driven trading, high-performance PC/laptop computing, and the modernization of the markets, which began in earnest in the early 1970s. To see Scott demolish its main tenets and lay out the foundation for True Sector Rotation Theory, please view this video seminar entitled “Diversification Heresy,” which was presented to the AAII Silicon Valley Chapter in 2011. It's 45 minutes long and most people say they like to look at it twice. MPT is outdated. And yet the major Wall Street firms are minting new financial advisors on its premise because all of the tests - Series 7, the CFP and CFA - are about MPT. Scott's True Sector Rotation Theory is, to my mind, less a theory and more a fact because it is automated, and it absolutely works - as a proven theory.
Proof: The LA Chapter of the AAII (the largest of all local chapters in the country with 6000 members) has really adopted SectorSurfer by storm – even creating a SectorSurfer Special Interest Group run by Dan Gimpel, a business technologist, and Gary Noreen, a rocket scientist who recently retired from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They, and many members of the LA chapter, have made a lot of money using SectorSurfer strategies. What's more, about 25% of SectorSurfer’s paid subscribers are financial professionals who think outside of the box. One of them is Dale Van Metre PhD of Ameriprise Financial in Eugene OR, who recently published an article entitled “Defensive Position Rotation: Achieving Financial Goals with Less Volatility” in Advisor Perspectives magazine. In the article, Dr. Van Metre states: “As an advisor, I observed the loss of client wealth in the 2008 market decline, while I dutifully continued to rebalance their MPT-based asset-allocation portfolios. I had been using prudently asset-diversified and valuation-observant portfolios, but the crisis made a mockery of the entire process. As client wealth vanished, my clients (and I) questioned what I knew about guiding and protecting [their] finances.” Dale now manages the trading decisions for his client accounts with SectorSurfer, whose design inherently supports Defensive Position Rotation (DPR) principles he adheres to by automatically selecting the single best-trending security to own in a strategy during rising markets and indicating when to move to cash as a defensive position in the event of a declining market or crash. According to Van Metre, "I have used DPR funds and the SectorSurfer tool for the last four years with good results." This method of sequentially owning the one best position at any given time is called serial diversification. Following Scott’s presentation “Diversification Heresy" to the Silicon Valley AAII chapter in late 2012, approximately 20% of attendees subscribed within days and within a few months they formed a SectorSurfer Users Group with a Google Groups presence and monthly meetings. The founder of the SectorSurfer Users Group, Joe Gruender, has also since created a Website called, which features SectorSurfer prominently.
How SectorSurfer actually works: the system software is as simple or as complex as you want to make it. For 401ks and IRAs, it works like this: 1) sign up for SectorSurfer; 2) import one of many existing high-performance "Strategies," or create your own favorite; 3) receive automatic email trade alert(s) for your Strategy; 4) make the recommended trade(s); 5) hit the "Acknowledge Trade" button on your "My Strategies page" and 6) you’re done! SectorSurfer does all the hard analytical work, while you go and have a life. It tells you what to buy, how long to hold, and when to sell within a Strategy. SectorSurfer Strategies are composed of up to 12 stocks, funds or ETFs in any combination. For advanced users, SectorSurfer additionally provides a way to create a Strategy-of-Strategies, i.e., up to 12 strategies or 144 funds or stocks in any combination. Each SectorSurfer Strategy provides you with automated charts and performance statistics. These are helpful when reviewing and comparing Strategies that you might import and use, or when you are creating or editing your own Strategies. To ensure the greatest confidence in future performance, SectorSurfer also employs Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning, the industry gold standard for out-of-sample backtesting.
401ks: SectorSurfer is perfect for managing funds in a company retirement plan. Employees from some of the largest technology, manufacturing, and retail companies in the US, as well as many state and federal workers, employ SectorSurfer to manage their retirement assets. Strategies for some of the more prominent employers can be viewed on the 401k Strategy Listings page. As a side benefit, SectorSurfers can immediately tell if their 401ks could use better funds. They can then go to their HR departments armed with graphs and charts and explain exactly why better funds are needed. The HR point person can then go to the 401k custodian and select better performing funds for employees.
Crowd-sourced investment strategies: By far one of the best features of SectorSurfer’s web site is its Strategy Hall of Fame page. Every night more than 20,000 user Strategies are graded and sorted in six categories - Safety, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Widely Held, Ultra/Inverse and TopDog Stocks. Only the top 30 "premium" Strategies in each category are listed. For anyone unaccustomed to designing investment strategies, the Strategy Hall of Fame page is a dream come true. Any of these Strategies can be imported into your account, to manage an IRA account or other portfolio assets. When you leave your company or you reach 59 ½ years old, you can rollover your 401k plan into an IRA account where you are no longer limited by generic index funds and can put the real muscle of True Sector Rotation to work.
Why SectorSurfer is needed and important: With 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every day over the next 20 years - most without the assets to see them through - the financial cost to future taxpayers could reach $17 trillion by some estimates. In other words, we've created a truly monstrous looming crisis. The real problem with 401ks and IRAs is the inability for workers and retirees to get qualified investing advice. There are four reasons why this has occurred: 1) ERISA laws forbid the 401k custodian from giving advice (a good thing); 2) employers won’t offer any advice in fears of getting sued; 3) Wall Street is gravitating toward "wealth management" Strategies, which puts qualified investment advice out of the reach of middle class investors; 4) the lack of really excellent choices in 401k offerings; and 5) the proliferation of target-date funds, which are always a bridesmaid, never a bride Even worse are the "managed" retirement accounts, many of which average a measly 8%. Once you adjust for inflation/cost of living and fund and 401k management fees, employees are lucky to be clearing 2% a year. These reasons, plus the inbred reliance on the outdated Modern Portfolio Theory, are the keys to why we have a retirement crisis on our hands. How will starving Baby Boomers vote? They'll vote for the party that provides freedom from fear.
More Data with regard to need: The median household is now 20% poorer today than it was in 1984 (, with almost half of Americans living paycheck to paycheck ( What's more, 35% of Americans - that would be about 77 million people - have outstanding debt being pursued by a collection agency, according to a new study by the Urban Institute (
SectorSurfer Links/Proof of Efficacy:
1). Birth New Theory:
2). SectorSurfer Strategy Hall of Fame:
3). List of importable SectorSurfer 401k Strategies to date:
American Association of Individual Investors:
1). What AAII LA SIG Says About SectorSurfer:
News stories:
1). Advisor Perspectives:
2). Reuters:
4). Computerized Investing Magazine:
(Seattle, WA) — Twenty-five years ago, Scott Juds discovered that, after annually putting $2000 into his IRA over seven years, he had less money that he would have had had he simply stuffed his mattress full of bills. Fund and advisor fees, cost of living/inflation adjustments and poor performance had conspired against him during a time when the S&P 500 more than doubled. That was Scott's wakeup call, the day he began his quest to create a better investment management system than the dogma promoted by the financial industry — the “diversify and rebalance” mantra of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).
Armed with a MSEE from Stanford University, Scott, the named inventor on more than 40 US and foreign patents, had already made a career of zeroing in on the fundamental signals within a mass of “noisy” data and, in fact, wrote a book on this important subject. Through a great deal of trial and error over the years that followed, Scott created True Sector Rotation Theory, then automated it with an online software application called SectorSurfer at to enable anyone to access his egalitarian program. SectorSurfer offers free investment strategies of lesser performance (<15%/year) for those who can't afford to pay, and premium performance investment strategies (>15%/year) at $10/mo. In this way, Scott and his partners hope to "change the game" for individual investors by leveling the algorithmic playing field with Wall Street and giving the middle class a fighting chance for 401k/IRA/portfolio success.
Early development: Scott began his quest after noting that Edwin Hurst, the engineer who built the Aswan Dam high and wide enough to handle the most flood prone river in the world, had detected trends embedded in the 2000 years of Nile River flow data using mathematics he had developed - the "Hurst Range Scale analysis." What Scott found was that trending characteristics in market data were also easily confirmed by employing Hurst's formula. Additionally, Scott observed that through his professional skills in the sciences of differential signal processing and matched filter theory, he could optimally extract trend signals from complex market data, a fact that flies in the face of Modern Portfolio Theory. In the process, he discovered that the “true” trend signal was the key to improving the probability of owning the right stock or fund in the near future, i.e., 30 days to three months. The development of True Sector Rotation Theory resulted and is at the core of SectorSurfer's automated algorithms.
The birth of a company: The events of 2008 and the accompanying recession convinced Scott that he needed to make SectorSurfer available to all. SumGrowth Strategies LLC was formed in February 2009 to develop an online application platform, which went live in 2010. While the theory and science behind this technology is complex, much like the motor of a new car, SectorSurfer is quite easy to drive once you've signed up and imported an existing strategy, or created a new strategy. SectorSurfer sends subscribers an automated email or cell phone text trade alert when there is a trade to make, typically four to five times a year per strategy. And, when markets aren't safe, its StormGuard feature will alert subscribers (both free and paid) to GO TO CASH. What that means is that you’ll never ride to the bottom of a market crash again. Simply put, SectorSurfer’s "True Sector Rotation" algorithms keep you in the best trending funds or ETFs during bull markets, and move you to the safety of CASH during bear markets. There is nothing that even remotely approaches it for individual investors and advisors.
The dinosaur in the room: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), the theory that has guided SEC policy and portfolio management for more than 60 years, was created by Harry Markowitz, at a time before high frequency, algorithm driven trading, high-performance PC/laptop computing, and the modernization of the markets, which began in earnest in the early 1970s. To see Scott demolish its main tenets and lay out the foundation for True Sector Rotation Theory, please view this video seminar entitled “Diversification Heresy,” which was presented to the AAII Silicon Valley Chapter in 2011. It's 45 minutes long and most people say they like to look at it twice. MPT is outdated. And yet the major Wall Street firms are minting new financial advisors on its premise because all of the tests - Series 7, the CFP and CFA - are about MPT. Scott's True Sector Rotation Theory is, to my mind, less a theory and more a fact because it is automated, and it absolutely works - as a proven theory.
Proof: The LA Chapter of the AAII (the largest of all local chapters in the country with 6000 members) has really adopted SectorSurfer by storm – even creating a SectorSurfer Special Interest Group run by Dan Gimpel, a business technologist, and Gary Noreen, a rocket scientist who recently retired from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They, and many members of the LA chapter, have made a lot of money using SectorSurfer strategies. What's more, about 25% of SectorSurfer’s paid subscribers are financial professionals who think outside of the box. One of them is Dale Van Metre PhD of Ameriprise Financial in Eugene OR, who recently published an article entitled “Defensive Position Rotation: Achieving Financial Goals with Less Volatility” in Advisor Perspectives magazine. In the article, Dr. Van Metre states: “As an advisor, I observed the loss of client wealth in the 2008 market decline, while I dutifully continued to rebalance their MPT-based asset-allocation portfolios. I had been using prudently asset-diversified and valuation-observant portfolios, but the crisis made a mockery of the entire process. As client wealth vanished, my clients (and I) questioned what I knew about guiding and protecting [their] finances.” Dale now manages the trading decisions for his client accounts with SectorSurfer, whose design inherently supports Defensive Position Rotation (DPR) principles he adheres to by automatically selecting the single best-trending security to own in a strategy during rising markets and indicating when to move to cash as a defensive position in the event of a declining market or crash. According to Van Metre, "I have used DPR funds and the SectorSurfer tool for the last four years with good results." This method of sequentially owning the one best position at any given time is called serial diversification. Following Scott’s presentation “Diversification Heresy" to the Silicon Valley AAII chapter in late 2012, approximately 20% of attendees subscribed within days and within a few months they formed a SectorSurfer Users Group with a Google Groups presence and monthly meetings. The founder of the SectorSurfer Users Group, Joe Gruender, has also since created a Website called, which features SectorSurfer prominently.
How SectorSurfer actually works: the system software is as simple or as complex as you want to make it. For 401ks and IRAs, it works like this: 1) sign up for SectorSurfer; 2) import one of many existing high-performance "Strategies," or create your own favorite; 3) receive automatic email trade alert(s) for your Strategy; 4) make the recommended trade(s); 5) hit the "Acknowledge Trade" button on your "My Strategies page" and 6) you’re done! SectorSurfer does all the hard analytical work, while you go and have a life. It tells you what to buy, how long to hold, and when to sell within a Strategy. SectorSurfer Strategies are composed of up to 12 stocks, funds or ETFs in any combination. For advanced users, SectorSurfer additionally provides a way to create a Strategy-of-Strategies, i.e., up to 12 strategies or 144 funds or stocks in any combination. Each SectorSurfer Strategy provides you with automated charts and performance statistics. These are helpful when reviewing and comparing Strategies that you might import and use, or when you are creating or editing your own Strategies. To ensure the greatest confidence in future performance, SectorSurfer also employs Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning, the industry gold standard for out-of-sample backtesting.
401ks: SectorSurfer is perfect for managing funds in a company retirement plan. Employees from some of the largest technology, manufacturing, and retail companies in the US, as well as many state and federal workers, employ SectorSurfer to manage their retirement assets. Strategies for some of the more prominent employers can be viewed on the 401k Strategy Listings page. As a side benefit, SectorSurfers can immediately tell if their 401ks could use better funds. They can then go to their HR departments armed with graphs and charts and explain exactly why better funds are needed. The HR point person can then go to the 401k custodian and select better performing funds for employees.
Crowd-sourced investment strategies: By far one of the best features of SectorSurfer’s web site is its Strategy Hall of Fame page. Every night more than 20,000 user Strategies are graded and sorted in six categories - Safety, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Widely Held, Ultra/Inverse and TopDog Stocks. Only the top 30 "premium" Strategies in each category are listed. For anyone unaccustomed to designing investment strategies, the Strategy Hall of Fame page is a dream come true. Any of these Strategies can be imported into your account, to manage an IRA account or other portfolio assets. When you leave your company or you reach 59 ½ years old, you can rollover your 401k plan into an IRA account where you are no longer limited by generic index funds and can put the real muscle of True Sector Rotation to work.
Why SectorSurfer is needed and important: With 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every day over the next 20 years - most without the assets to see them through - the financial cost to future taxpayers could reach $17 trillion by some estimates. In other words, we've created a truly monstrous looming crisis. The real problem with 401ks and IRAs is the inability for workers and retirees to get qualified investing advice. There are four reasons why this has occurred: 1) ERISA laws forbid the 401k custodian from giving advice (a good thing); 2) employers won’t offer any advice in fears of getting sued; 3) Wall Street is gravitating toward "wealth management" Strategies, which puts qualified investment advice out of the reach of middle class investors; 4) the lack of really excellent choices in 401k offerings; and 5) the proliferation of target-date funds, which are always a bridesmaid, never a bride Even worse are the "managed" retirement accounts, many of which average a measly 8%. Once you adjust for inflation/cost of living and fund and 401k management fees, employees are lucky to be clearing 2% a year. These reasons, plus the inbred reliance on the outdated Modern Portfolio Theory, are the keys to why we have a retirement crisis on our hands. How will starving Baby Boomers vote? They'll vote for the party that provides freedom from fear.
More Data with regard to need: The median household is now 20% poorer today than it was in 1984 (, with almost half of Americans living paycheck to paycheck ( What's more, 35% of Americans - that would be about 77 million people - have outstanding debt being pursued by a collection agency, according to a new study by the Urban Institute (
SectorSurfer Links/Proof of Efficacy:
1). Birth New Theory:
2). SectorSurfer Strategy Hall of Fame:
3). List of importable SectorSurfer 401k Strategies to date:
American Association of Individual Investors:
1). What AAII LA SIG Says About SectorSurfer:
News stories:
1). Advisor Perspectives:
2). Reuters:
4). Computerized Investing Magazine:
Additional videos and information are available by clicking on the below titles and images.
Want to see many profitable features available at SectorSurfer? |
If you are new to SectorSurfer, please review the below videos to help get you up to speed.
Videos by Scott Juds and more complex subjects can also be found below.
Speaker Description |
SectorSurfer -- Joe's Method For Data Mining,
(Part 1 of 3) Joe Gruender This is an introduction to "data Mining" and where to find the data within SectorSurfer. Also Joe's "Information Vault for Everyone (JIVE) is explained by Joe for your free use. |
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer -- Joe's Method For Data Mining,
(Part 2 of 3) Joe Gruender
Learn how to select the best symbols from the Hall of Fame for consolidation and further analysis.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer -- Joe's Method For Data Mining,
(Part 3 of 3) Joe Gruender
How to take your best symbols and create your own strategy for reaping future profits.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 1 of 7) Joe Gruender
Joe introduces Scott and provides some background information for all.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 2 of 7) Scott Juds
A quick overview is given by Scott for attendees who are new to SectorSurfer.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 3 of 7) Scott Juds
Now learn how to build great strategies and portfolios using this powerful software.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 4 of 7) Scott Juds
New advanced features are presented by Scott to give everyone an overview as to what is now available to members.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 5 of 7) Scott Juds
Progressive tune walk-forward is explained for advanced subscribers.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 6 of 7) Scott Juds
In depth bias analysis toward shorter trends for our more advanced subscribers.
Speaker Description
SectorSurfer Founder Visits Silicon Valley
(Part 7 of 7) Scott Juds
Applying the walk forward capability to a variety of strategies for advance subscribers. Closing questions.
Introduction To SectorSurfer Computing Power
Joe Gruender
Joe introduces Scott and provides background information on how to find Joe on for additional videos.
SectorSurfer Computing Power
Scott Juds
Shows you what happens to generate SectorSurfer results, strategies, Hall of Fame, etc. after the market closes. A lot of computing power taking place in the cloud everyday after market close.
SectorSurfer Creating LMRIG Strategies
Joe Gruender
Joe teaches company retirees how to set up conservative strategies using exchange traded funds (ETFs). Also he analyses a strategy using inverse ETFs. Check it our for possible ideas for you.
Title: SectorSurfer Users Group Meeting of 9.16.2013
Speaker: Joe Gruender Description: Sorry guys, apparently I was somewhat confused in this video when I tried to explain "Tactical Diversification" so Scott Juds sent me his latest explanation which has now been incorporated into the below video. The 5th meeting of the SectorSurfer Users Group was held on September 16, 2013 here in Silicon Valley. This video contains the introduction and "What's Surfing At SectorSurfer." Don Kinell's presentation entitled "A Look At 10 Balanced Premium SectorSurfer Portfolio, Parts 1 and 2, are below. |
Title: Tactical Diversification By SectorSurfer
Speaker: Joe Gruender Description:There's a better way to select funds/ETFs and now SectorSurfer tells us how. Performance matters — during both bull and bear markets. Tactical Diversification was specifically designed to improve portfolio performance during both. It is the tactical application of three distinct types of diversification employed during portfolio construction and operation that produces the superb performance detailed in this video. Comparatively, Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA) and Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategies occasionally used by fund managers operate at only the first of Tactical Diversification's three levels. However, any performance advantage they may add is inherently incorporated into the net performance of a Tactical Diversification Portfolio. Trend signal quality controls serial diversification performance. SectorSurfer optimally extracts trend signals from noisy market data utilizing cross-disciplinary mathematics from electronic signal processing and matched filter theory, the technology that enables Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and smart phones to perform so well. See the details you need in this video. |
Title: 10 Balanced Premium Portfolio Strategies (Part 1 of 2)
Speaker: Don Kinell Description: SectorSurfer, Don Kinell, shares how he selected and created 10 portfolio strategies that have returned excellent results in the markets without a losing year. FREE: Available for your download on "Presentations" page are the following: 1. All of Don's presentation slides, 2. The specific symbols used by Don to develop this successful strategy, and 3. A spreadsheet of results showing no losing year since analysis begain 1994. |
Title: 10 Balanced Premium Portfolio Strategies (Part 2 of 2)
Speaker: Don Kinell Description: SectorSurfer, Don Kinell, shares how he selected and created 10 portfolio strategies that have returned excellent results in the markets without a losing year. FREE: Available for your download on "Presentations" page are the following: 1. All of Don's presentation slides, 2. The specific symbols used by Don to develop this successful strategy, and 3. A spreadsheet of results showing no losing year since analysis begain 1994. |
<< Click for immediate access to download page for Don's documents. |
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