Silicon Valley Options Group -- Videos Are Below
Hope To See You At Our Next Meeting!

Silicon Valley Options Group (SVOG) President, Jim Norton, begins 2014 with an excellent presentation on creating a Mini-Business Plan for Trading. He firmly believes that we should treat our trading as a business if we want to be successful. Thanks to Jim, this month we will start a new video series here at from the Silicon Valley Options Group here in Northern CA where I have been a new member for many years. This group has a large membership with the full range of option traders and investors, from beginners to very advanced option traders who fall into the "guru" category! These option traders are amazing....I learn so much from them each month. The first videos from this group will be on "How To Start a Trading Business?" Most of us just start trading without giving any thought as to what it takes to make trading a "business" instead of a "hobby." I think that you will find this series of videos very informative and give you a very different and helpful perspective on taking your hobby to the next level.....making it into a career with a very profitable future.
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