When I first became interested in investing in the financial markets in 1983, I spent a lot of time and money investing in courses, books, financial magazines, etc. I wanted to learn as much as possible so that I could build an excellent foundation of knowledge before putting any serious money at risk.
As many of you know, I created InvestorsHELP.net over two years ago to accomplish two things in particular:
1. During 30+ years in the financial markets, I was mentored, taught, and encouraged by some wonderful people who helped me become successful in both investing and trading the financial markets. Now I feel that it is time to give back to others. This is what I have been doing here at InvestorsHELP.net where more that 90% of everything found on the website is FREE to subcribers.
2. My second purpose in creating InvestorsHELP.net was to generate some income through the use of "ads" for helping "Our Special Kids" in Cavite City, Philippines. InvestosHELP.net receives small commissions when you click on ads that are of interest to you. Unfortunately, only a small amount of income has been generated using these ads. However, I am still hopeful that as our subscriber base grows, more ad revenue will be generated for our next trip to the Philippines later this fall. However, that's up to you!
As part of my "give-back" program, I have more that 60 magazines as mentioned above that I want to give away for FREE when you make a donation to "Our Special Kids." Although some of the information is now outdated, there are many excellent strategies and analysis that are still appropriate for your consideration. So, if you want some of these magazines, please find me at the IBD all-day event in South San Francisco on 5.30.2015 and make a donation to Our Special Kids in the Philippines for your FREE copies.
With some effort and time by you, these mags will help you build your foundation of knowledge on your road to financial success.
See you on Saturday in South San Francisco,
Trader_Joe Gruender Jr.