From The Desk of Novice_Trader_Cindy
It’s hard to believe, my first month has already passed. I’m a learner by nature, so I’ve loved researching and watching YouTube videos to learn about the stock market as I begin my journey to become a successful trader and investor. There’s boundless information available on the web! Some great, some not worth a moment of my time. It’s been a long process weeding through it all.
For me, learning comes easiest when I’m actually putting my new skills to practice. I can read about it, but until I actually try it, I haven’t really begun to learn. Last week I was SO excited to load the software ThinkorSwim (TOS) platform onto my computer. Trader_Joe uses this platform on a regular basis and felt it’s the perfect platform for me to learn first. This platform is offered “free of charge” with an Ameritrade account. The awesome thing about opening an Ameritrade account is I didn’t have to sink a bundle of cash into the account to get it going. It’s a great option for a novice trader! You can check it out at http://ameritrade.com
I discovered that the ThinkorSwim platform offers tutorials to assist you in the learning process. They offer a complete “Learning Center” with video demonstrations, live and archived seminars and the handy “thinkManual.” All of these resources are located at: http://tlc.thinkorswim.com/center.html?utm_source=thinkorswim&utm_medium=helppage&utm_campaign=HelpPage
I will share more information with you on some of the many features available at TOS in my next blog article. It’s so much FUN! I’m just like my husband who purchases a new tool but doesn’t read the instructions. He often says: “Why bother reading the instructions, when you can play around and figure it out yourself?! Well, I’ve played around and finally come to the conclusion (as my husband always does too), it’s more efficient to read the instructions, tutorials, etc. and come up to speed as quickly as possible in this way! So going through ThinkorSwim tutorials is on my hit list for this week!
Happy Returns,
It’s hard to believe, my first month has already passed. I’m a learner by nature, so I’ve loved researching and watching YouTube videos to learn about the stock market as I begin my journey to become a successful trader and investor. There’s boundless information available on the web! Some great, some not worth a moment of my time. It’s been a long process weeding through it all.
For me, learning comes easiest when I’m actually putting my new skills to practice. I can read about it, but until I actually try it, I haven’t really begun to learn. Last week I was SO excited to load the software ThinkorSwim (TOS) platform onto my computer. Trader_Joe uses this platform on a regular basis and felt it’s the perfect platform for me to learn first. This platform is offered “free of charge” with an Ameritrade account. The awesome thing about opening an Ameritrade account is I didn’t have to sink a bundle of cash into the account to get it going. It’s a great option for a novice trader! You can check it out at http://ameritrade.com
I discovered that the ThinkorSwim platform offers tutorials to assist you in the learning process. They offer a complete “Learning Center” with video demonstrations, live and archived seminars and the handy “thinkManual.” All of these resources are located at: http://tlc.thinkorswim.com/center.html?utm_source=thinkorswim&utm_medium=helppage&utm_campaign=HelpPage
I will share more information with you on some of the many features available at TOS in my next blog article. It’s so much FUN! I’m just like my husband who purchases a new tool but doesn’t read the instructions. He often says: “Why bother reading the instructions, when you can play around and figure it out yourself?! Well, I’ve played around and finally come to the conclusion (as my husband always does too), it’s more efficient to read the instructions, tutorials, etc. and come up to speed as quickly as possible in this way! So going through ThinkorSwim tutorials is on my hit list for this week!
Happy Returns,